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Use KickstartCassiopeia to add a topbar to your site!


NOTE: this feature is depricated, if you use it, fine, but the cassiopeia template now has its own module position for this. Please use that one!

By default there is not a module position for this, however, we created this option, without any hack to the template. So now you can use a topbar for for instance contact info. This is very easy to setup, just follow the next steps:

  • Go to your module
  • Go to the option Layout-Topbar
  • Enable the topbar
  • Set height, padding colors
  • Set content. 

If layout option is NOT the 'menu next to logo',  the option to align content appears. Aligning content in the editor will not work in this case (due to flexbox).

If not you can align the content yourself.