The KickstartCassiopeia module has the option to set Google Fonts, for headers and body. How to do this is explained below.
First, go to to select your fonts. for instance, 'Roboto' for headers, and 'Open Sans' for body.
When selected Roboto, select the style you want to use, out of the available ones. Click on 'select this style' We choose
'light 300'
The screen that shows here, has all the data we need to enter in the module:
Some pointers:
- In the module, set the font name 'Roboto' as stated in the red square, set the font weight '300' as stated also. If you have a font name that has 2 words, for instance Open Sans, enter the exact text 'Open Sans' with spaces, or 'Open+Sans' if this fails.
- Do the same for the heading font, and you are all set. You can change this as much as you want.
- If you want to select more styles(for instance you also want a BOLD variant), you can, for instance 300 and 700, enter '300,700'
- If you do not see the desired result, you probably made a typo, or a combination font/weight is not valid.