Version 1.8.0 and onward now has the option to show your login form in a popup modal.

Thanks to Eric de Waal ( this option now is available in Kickstart Cassiopeia.

To enable this option, go to your the layout section, and enable the feature. A default class will be given, named 'logon'. You can change this if you want.

Once this is setup, you can now create a menu, that will show the login popup.

  • Create a menu, name it as you like, for instance 'login'
  • set the menu-itemtype to be a "System-link and then URL"
  • Set the Link field to '#';
  • Go to the tab 'link type' and set the link class to be the same class as you have set in the module, 'logon'
  • Set the link-icon class to 'fas fa-unlock'
  • Display menu item title: no
  • Display in menu: Yes

It should look like the screenshots below:



Once done, you menu item should appear as an icon, and clicking on it will make the login form appear in a modal popup








Log in