You can easily set a background image for your menubar.
Simply go to your template, layout > Menu-header and use the option to set a menu bar background image.
To get this image to align with the background image in the banner position, just select 2 identical images, and set the menubar background to be exactly like the banner overlay color.
I will explain this step by step:
- Publish a 'custom' module, only on the homepage in the banner position.
- Set a background image (*)
- Go to advanced, and select layout 'Banner'
- Save the module, and check if it loads on your homepage
- Go to the module settings
- Go to Layout > Menu/Header
- Set the 'Menu bar background color' to be exactly like the 'Banner overlay color'
- Set the 'Menu bar background image' to be the same as step 2
Now you will have a seamless image in the header and banner, making the site look fresh and wide.